Tuesday, February 06, 2007

After school

Here's what we did today after school.

Tomas decided that he'd played outside enough today between 2 outdoor recesses and outdoor gym class. He headed inside for a game of Hotwheels.com. Judging from his smiling face I'd say he's winning.

Toria played in the 'creek' behind the house. She filled up her buckets then carried them over to the flowers to water them. She even said "Hello" to the visiting deers (on the other side of the creek). [fyi. During a rain storm the manhole cover can be completely covered by the creek].


At February 6, 2007 at 6:25 PM, Blogger foodie suz said...

Wow, that's totally cool. The creek is RIGHT in your yard?

At February 6, 2007 at 6:54 PM, Blogger C.L.W. said...

Yep - best as we can tell it's the 'property line' between our house and the park behind us. I can't wait until you come and visit.


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