Friday, January 19, 2007

Parksville article update.

A while ago I mentioned that I'd been asked to write an article for the local Island RV Guide for their March issue. 3000 to 3500 words. For a $50 RV part gift certificate. I've been told that the going rate for magazines is $1 a word or for less-established down to 30 cents a word. This works out to 1.6 cents a word. Nonetheless, I'm not a professional writer. Hated English. Almost failed english so we mathematician-types can't be choosy when writing.

I digress, I sent in a rough draft this morning to make sure that I was on the 'write' track and I got a response that it is great and they're going to break it up over 3 issues Mar/Apr May/Jun and July/August. Personally, I think it will be sucky if you can't get the whole picture all at once but who am I to say? All I want to know is - will I get 3 $50 gift certificates? I'm holding out for a La Fuma Recliner: Otherwise I'm likely to end up with $50 worth of toilet chemical and what fun is that?


At January 21, 2007 at 3:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope there is an on-line version of this monumentous article so we all can read it!

(I don't know who told you that you cannot write - as someone who worked with you, I can tell you that SIMPLY IS NOT TRUE!)


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