Monday, February 26, 2007

Organic bru-ha-ha

It must be something in the water out here but I'm becoming more and more 'organic'. This may shock many of you who know that I still like Alphagetti. And if we must be honest - is anything natural in Alphagetti or if it is just chemically-engineered 'food'?

Anyway, I decided we were going to stop drinking milk from hormone-injected cows and drink organic milk.

How can it possibly be that milk cows - whose owners don't need to pay for hormone injections - costs TWICE as much as milk from hormonal cows? Is it possible that hormonal cows produce twice as much milk? In which case - they've got to have as much chemical in them as Alphagetti.

As an aside: check out this great recycling/shopping website:

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At February 26, 2007 at 6:47 PM, Blogger foodie suz said...

Ohhh, those islanders are getting to you!

I started up with the organic when we returned from Hawai'i. Since then our grocery bill has gone thru the roof!

At February 26, 2007 at 9:05 PM, Blogger C.L.W. said...

I know. Planet Organic and the Red Barn Market have recently seen more then my share of $$. To the point where Todd started getting groceries so I don't.


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