Sunday, March 09, 2008

Boys Weekend Away, Girls Party On.

We booted those boys OFF THE ISLAND and over to Vancouver for this past Saturday night. Tomas was the only white-tail Beaver (almost a Cub) that went with the big-kid Cubs to the Planetarium, Bird-Watching and spent the night at Science World (for anyone who went to Expo 86 - it is in the big silver round ball).

This was a well-planned out event as all events are that are planned by men. Yes, it was lights out at midnight but with 400 boys aged 7 - 10 year-old it wasn't actually quiet enough to sleep until 1:00am. Then of course, Science World must get the troops up and out quickly in the morning so they can open to the general public. Yes,wakey wakey was at 6:00 am. Oh ya, and there was a time change. They slept for FOUR HOURS. How do you spell C H E E R Y?

In all seriousness, Tomas had an absolute blast and can't wait to be a full-fledged cub. Tomas is in the bright orange jacket!

With GM Place (go Vancouver Canucks GO) and BC Place (boo to the BC Lions, Go Roughriders Go Roughriders) in the background. (Tomas is on the grounds of Science World)

Science World is in the background - look at that face!

Feeding the ducks at the Bird Sanctuary on Sunday morning. One of the things about getting up at 6:00am is that you can feed the birds by 8:00. Tomas had so much fun that he had Todd buy him an extra bag of bird feed!

I'd love to show you pictures of what us girls did but (a) we didn't have the camera and (b) we had too much fun polishing our nails, doing our hair, and watching princess movies!



At March 10, 2008 at 9:37 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Tomas had only 4 hours sleep! How does he manage to look like he's having so much fun? Where is the picture of Todd having all that fun?

At March 11, 2008 at 6:01 AM, Blogger foodie suz said...

I see that Tomas has now crossed over to the dark side. (He is a Vancouver Canucks fan). Sigh.

At March 11, 2008 at 1:46 PM, Blogger C.L.W. said...

Tomas is an equal opportunity fan - he's cheering for who will make the playoffs.

At March 11, 2008 at 1:47 PM, Blogger C.L.W. said...

Tomas was going on Adrenaline. It didn't actually wear out until after he went to sleep Sunday night. All Sunday evening he was bouncing off the walls. Todd, err, not so much. More likely propping himself up against a wall.


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