Saturday, August 18, 2007

Side Trip....

Just got back from a short hop over to Vancouver to visit my mom's Aunt Beatrice. What a grand time we had! She is awesome - she tells us great stories and is very lively and vibrant. And YUM! the buns she made were first rate. If I ever learn how to turn on our oven I'm going to ask her for the recipes.

I first met Beatrice 29 years and 364 days ago. All I remember from that first visit is the colourful flowers around her yard and they're still there!!! She has a wonderful collection of the family history that she shared with us ... There was even one of my grandma and grandpa when they were younger that neither me or my mom had ever seen.

In other news....

Never mind that we hired people to build our shed. (T.G.) They arrived at 7:55am and left our property at 2:05pm. Yes. The shed was 'complete' in a mere 7 hours and 10 minutes. An 8 X 12 foot shed with an 8 X 8 foot overhang. Done. Complete. Finished. ... or not so quick

Now, the shed was built but it didn't have any shingles on it (only tar paper)... so add 2 people at 14 hours each plus a third worker for 4 hours. (Cedar shingles are a bugger to install). A-HA! You may be thinking we were done but the shed is naked - it has no paint! Now, you must add another 15 hours AND COUNTING of 3 people....

(Err, did I mention that my mom and dad are visiting us during their 'vacation' and have spent WAY more time on this than anyone expected. But what the heck, they're retired. If the definition of a vacation is 'doing something good that is a break from the ordinary' then helping their children qualifies and thus must = vacation. Right?)


At August 21, 2007 at 5:30 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

It was a fun trip! The bonus is...we all got away from the now fantastic looking shed. The shingling and painting were the key components to make it a great shed. Mom & Dad


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