Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Heat Wave!

As some of you may know I usually try and spend at least part of the summer in good 'ol heat wave Saskatchewan. Well, NOT THIS YEAR. It was 34.9 in Victoria today!!! 34.9!

Life doesn't get much better! (Well, it might since it was cold and rainy in Saskatchewan today. NOTE TO MY PARENTS: All winter long I tried not to brag about the Vic. weather because I figured that in the summer you would be able to rule the weather vane (so to speak). ha ha ha ha ha - i was so wrong. It's still gorgeous here (+33 tomorrow). Regina: 17 and rainy. When are you coming to visit???
Here's how the neighbourhood kids spent the afternoon:

A little water sprinkler to get a girl warmed up, err, cooled down....

Bring it on....!!

Splish Splash! [I have to let the world know that Tomas hates this hat. He thinks it is for babies (which he may have been when I bought it). However, I didn't want him to wear his cool, hip, fashionable baseball caps because I figured they'd get water logged and wrecked in the sprinklers. SO, Tomas being the fantastic kid that he is -> humoured me and wore this hat but he doesn't want anyone to think that he actually LIKES IT... because he doesn't].

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At July 13, 2007 at 6:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

How about keeping that good weather until we are there in August?


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