Saturday, April 26, 2008

Field Trips & 1-year

On Monday I accompanied Toria's class to Swan Lake for a field trip.

On Tuesday, I accompanied Tomas' Class to Butchart Gardens (and what a bunch of posers- Everytime they saw a nice grouping of flowers, or a fancy rock, or a view, or a totem pole, or a fountain, or whatever - they'd all run in front of it and go "Cheese". Do you think they're a digital camera generation???)

On Wednesday I did taxes
then on Thursday the Beavers built Birdhouses!

On Friday I attended a planning meeting for an event I'm involved with but only TWO people out of an expected TEN bothered to show up. Not even the 2 'leaders' were there. Well, phooey on them.

And finally on Saturday - it was the 1-year anniversary of Tomas' diagnoses with Type 1 diabetes. This time a year ago - I wasn't sure how to get through a day let alone a week or a year but with Tomas by my side - we've done great.... He's an awesome kid andI'm very proud of him and how he handles everything.

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At April 27, 2008 at 7:56 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

I never know quite what to say on those D anniversaries. It certainly isn't something to celebrate (that your kid has it) but it is in a sense that, well, my kid DOES have it and we've done awesome this year in his care! So, I'm proud of you two on all that you've accomplished this past year on the D front. Not an easy thing to do, for sure, but your family is doing great with it all. You all deserve a big pat on the back for it - Tomas is a healthy, happy, SMART boy! :)

Love the pics.

I hear you on the meeting thing - people say they're going to show up and never do. We have big problems with that over here with our JDRF walk planning committee and my kids' nursery school board of directors. Not so fun, huh? Then the brunt of the work gets stuck on just a couple of individuals.

Oh well - such is the world of working with volunteers!

Have a good one :)

At April 27, 2008 at 11:34 AM, Blogger C.L.W. said...

Ha ha - In fact it was the JDRF Walk committee that was supposed to be meeting... I'm the Family Teams Chair so it is my name that is on all the invitations and ahhhh - at this rate I'm a wee bit worried. I don't have your email so if you happen to read this again - what are you doing for your walk this year? You can email me at clwelta -at-

At April 30, 2008 at 11:26 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

I emailed ya! :) Talk to you soon.


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