Tuesday, November 20, 2007

October Update

How does my cute little boy go...

from this (2006) to this (2007)???

Fortunately, my little girl is still a princess, err butterfly, through and through

In other news, I must share my creativity and ingenuity. One of Tomas' hockey socks had a hole in it and I put it in my sewing kit.... and forgot about it. Along comes Friday night hockey and Oh-OH Tomas is missing 1 hockey sock. Now, for those of you who don't know about hockey - let me tell you... it is mighty cold (not to mention strange looking) when you have nothing covering your leg but a knee pad.

Never fear Supermom is here. There was a big of clothes for Goodwill in my trunk including a stretchy maternity turtleneck. I cut off the arm of the shirt and voila! one black hockey sock!

You know October was a slow month when the hi-lite was reusing old clothes... and Halloween, of course!

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